Schlechtes Raumklima - Naturify

Bad room climate

We spend two thirds of our lives indoors.

Research shows that the air in closed rooms frequently more heavily polluted is than the outside air.

Numerous Disorders of well-being and diseases are often on poor indoor climate attributed . Indoor pollutants are generally judged to be critical when children and young people as well as immunocompromised and allergic people are affected .

pollutants in the indoor air cannot be completely avoided nowadays. However, you can for example throughair purification to reduce.

Important indoor air pollution briefly explained:

pollutants on the one hand through the outside air such as through the road traffic indoors . On the other hand, the indoor air can be polluted by furnishings, building materials, paints and varnishes or floor coverings as well as by our own activities (breathing, smoking, cooking, etc.). Also Influenza and other diseases affect air quality by exhaling aerosols  indoors.

viruses and bacteria

millions of Viruses are present in the air and on surfaces and can be easily transmitted by simple contact. Body fluids, such as saliva or mucus, are dispersed into the air as tiny droplets when you cough or sneeze.

Scientists found that viruses cough or sneeze up to thrown several meters and remain in the air for up to 10 minutes.On surfaces they can be up to room temperature survive four hours.

Therefore, it is important utensils and to clean furniture regularly, to disinfect and briefly air the rooms several times a day . This automatically improves the air quality.

pollen and mites

Allergy triggers:
bee pollen are the trigger for the most common allergy, hay fever . A single flower can produce millions of pollen. The wind often carries them hundreds of kilometers and blows them into every room . If you inhale them, they stick to the mucous membranes in the mouth and nose . Their proteins dissolve the known ones allergic reactions out of. Pollen, which particularly often triggers an allergy, is:

  • grass pollen
  • Cereal pollen, especially rye
  • Tree pollen, especially birch, hazelnut and alder
  • herb pollen

But not only pollen brought in from the outside air can cause you problems, also mites (especially the house dust mite) live mainly in mattresses and can cause severe allergic reactions .

contact avoidance
Try that Reduce contact with pollen or mites or to avoid. When airing the rooms, make sure that you open the windows when little pollen is flying. This is the case in the city in the early morning hours, in the country in the evening. And daily vacuuming or damp mopping removes pollen from the home and reduces house dust. Pay attention to Buying the vacuum cleaner on special filter systems , the able to retain fine particles . Otherwise vacuum cleaning is a pure particle slingshot!

The pollen count around around the house can something to reduce , if the Lawn possible is kept short , So that grass cannot bloom .

Allergy centers and pollen warning services can help you manage allergies well and help you avoid overexposure to pollen or dust mites!

dust, fine dust

Homemade Dust
He finds himself on the ground , under the bed , on the TV and almost in every crack. In an average apartment 6 milligrams are formed daily dust per square meter. Dust is a collective term for finest firm Particles that can float in the air for a long time . Based on the size of the dust particles, a distinction is made between fine dust, suspended dust or sedimentation or house dust.

Many sources of dust come straight from the living environment and thus affect your indoor air quality. Typical sources of dust can in the living room carpeted floors , a open fireplace , the clothes dryer , tobacco smoke, candles , Printer or the Vacuum cleaner be.

One of the The number one source of dust is ourselves: Everyone loses around 1-2 grams of dead skin cells per day and they do 80% of dust out of .

To high dust concentrations can they affect airways and damage, affect lung function and cause cardiovascular disease.

Dust from the outside air:
In unused spaces are generally a good 50% of the dust concentration on the exchange with the outside air . This dust comes mainly from tire abrasion, combustion exhaust gases, industrial and agricultural production processes. This dust gets from the outside air directly into our indoor air via windows and doors.

Whether from outside or inside, dust prefers to settle on bookshelves, picture frames or furniture near the wall. And that's for a simple reason: Dust rises with warm air in the middle of the room and falls back down with the cooler air near the walls . That's why furniture in the middle of the room tends to be spared. But they also have to be regularly cleaned of dust. And as an important rule of thumb : The air quality outside is almost always better than inside, so regular ventilation is required! 


More than uncomfortable
Odors in rooms are not only a nuisance, but can to lead to disturbances of well-being and definitely represent a disease value. Some of the residents of odor-prone apartments and houses show a great deal of insecurity, as often a toxic effect of the perceptible substances is feared. Odors often also have the unpleasant property of getting stuck in clothing and furnishings.

The causes of unpleasant odors indoors can be varied. Before measures can be taken, the source of the odor nuisance must be located:

  • paints
  • drain pipes
  • building leaks
  • body odor
  • Decay of pests in cavities
  • Fungal attack or decay of building materials due to moisture

mold spores

Hidden problem:
Mold is a ubiquitous problem and always occurs when the humidity in the air or material is too high(Humidity information on our blog) along.

Above all in rooms where you and your family are constantly present (bedrooms, children's rooms, living rooms, work rooms), an increased level of mold pollution cannot be tolerated and appropriate measures must be taken to eliminate it. But often a mold load is not visible with visible stains on walls or in joints, but hides itselfbehind fitted wardrobes , under one wood paneling or in the masonry . The most common causes of mold formation are structural defects (e.g. thermal bridges), structural damage (e.g. damaged water pipes) and wrong ventilation behavior . If you have a suspicion of hidden mold (allergic reactions, musty smell, damp spots on the wall) have a mold measurement carried out or contact your landlord or builder.

From our own experience we recommend:

Set in your home air cleaner a. They are equipped with multi-layer filter systems. In doing so, a highly effectiveHEPA filter supplemented by further filters, so that the Air optimally cleaned and freed from pollutants.

Your wellbeing and your Health will by one air cleaner good supports.

f for one  Cleaning performance up to 99.98% we can give you a purchase from our own experienceair cleaner recommend.


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Lendu Air and me ist ein Supergerät. Es ist leicht zu Handhaben und pflegen. Kann es nur weiterempfehlen.

Gwerder Heinz

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