Und wie alles begonnen hat - Naturify

And how it all started

From the unique PressaBottle drinking bottle to organic tea in a stick...

At the Funders Awards , organized by the Nidwaldner Kantonlabank in 2019, the PressaBottle was one of the top 5 projects chosen at the Hotel Schweizerhof in Lucerne.

This is how our story began with the company Salesbroker GmbH, based in Stans Nidwalden. It is the sponsoring company for our online shops.

The PressaBottle was the first product that we helped to design and launch on the market.

Swiss online shop Naturify - PressaBottle

The drinking bottle with its integrated fruit press is still unique in the world today and fits into the concept of sustainability and originality .

During the Corona crisis (2020) the first two shops went online:

The PressaBottle shop and the shop in which you are currently reading - the lifestyle shop Naturify.ch.

The shops should offer as sustainable and unique items as possible.

While looking for products that meet these criteria, we came across certified natural soaps from a small factory in Uerikon, Zurich.

We met the soap maker Pascale Rüber and were immediately convinced and enthusiastic about her products.

Every soap is handmade by her . A dream for skin and hair! Environmentally friendly, toxin-free and microplastic-free, they are a great alternative to the usual shower gels and shampoos.

Another product from our range is the high-quality “filip” lunch box, which was developed in Rapperswil St. Gallen.

It is made of high-quality brushed stainless steel .

In a set with a bamboo board, sleeve and spork, filip is a real eye-catcher, very sustainable and extremely practical.

Lunch box stainless steel filip® | by naturify.ch

The cactus leather items from Eveline Zoccolillo are particularly high-quality and labeled “vegan”.

The products developed in Switzerland are not only beautiful, but also durable and resistant.

The material is obtained from the so-called “prickly pear” , which is a renewable raw material and requires little water.


Brand new to our range, we present organic tea in sticks.

It conveniently replaces the usual utensils such as tea bags , teaspoons and the tea infuser.

A wonderful everyday companion for every tea lover .

We appreciate this uncomplicated way to enjoy tea anywhere . All you need is a cup or mug and hot water.

A new tea ritual for connoisseurs| TasteBox free to try out and taste tea

Do you have any questions or do you know someone who has a cool product that fits our range?

Cool, then just write us an email to info@naturify.ch

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