CO₂-Fussabdruck | Bilanz Q2 2023 - Naturify

CO₂ footprint | Balance sheet Q2 2023

We supported as a company financial projects, the develop climate solutions, scale and commercialize to long term the necessary ones progress towards Limiting global warming through the CO₂ emissions to achieve.

The Q2 2023 balance sheet surprises us:

The results are impressive for us at Naturify and almost speak for themselves:


Der CO2-Fussabdruck von
Der CO2-Fussabdruck von


nearly 200,000 kilometers delivery distance 
with the project contribution we were able to 120 kg of CO₂ from shipping customer orders
Over CHF 19,000.00 Swiss francs into the project PROJECT RUNNING TIDE invested

    For 42% of our customers is it importantthat we are actively working on neutralizing the CO₂ footprint.

    We would like to thank all customers for their loyalty and trust in our products.

    Do you have questions about the project or generally to the goal of achieving one CO₂-neutral shipping?

    Just leave a comment and we give you like answer to that.

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