Mehr als nur O2 - Naturify

More than just O2

Good indoor air is quality of life

In the course of our lives we breathe around 600 tons indoor air. Our body takes in around 200 times as much air as we eat every day. healthy, fresh air indoors should therefore a matter of course be.

More than just O2

Good air , which we breathe in, we call „fresh air“ . It should be objectively clean, which means it is free of contamination and contains no substances that are harmful to health above defined guideline values. In addition, good air must also be pleasant , naturally and fresh to be felt. Clean air contains 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.03% carbon dioxide and 0.93% noble gases and is odorless and colorless.

Factors for good indoor air

Good indoor air is largely free of pollutants and is characterized by the following main factors that are responsible for well-being and health:


Continuous should therelative humidity between 40-60%.This value is a good compromise between a high feel good factor for people and the prevention of mold formation, but also for energy requirements and the influence on furniture. Measuring and observing the humidity in the rooms can be done using a hygrometer.

Too wet
Excessive humidity in the room air or on the masonry is usually the cause of:

a) Construction defects / structural damage

  • Insufficient drying after construction work
  • Water ingress due to water pipe damage, flooding, leaking roof, cracked masonry

So make sure you allow sufficient drying time for new buildings or renovation measures. Structural damage or water damage must be repaired.

b) Insufficient removal of humidity from the air

  • Incorrect ventilation and heating
  • Thermal bridges due to construction defects or construction errors

Important is , that the humidity , which is caused by the activities in the room through regular ventilation is discharged to the outside . For example, in a three-person household through showering, washing, cooking, drying laundry but also through plants, aquariums and other sources of moisture every day 6 to 12 liters of water released .

Too dry
The optimal humidity is not only a feel-good factor, but has also Impact on human health . A lower susceptibility to infectious diseases requires a sufficiently high humidity of at least 30%, preferably 40%. But not only Influenza viruses have a lower survival rate at higher humidity . It has also been confirmed that the symptom of dry eyes or dry nasal mucous membranes improves with higher humidity: Dry room air can irritable and dry lead to mucous membranes . The nose and throat are particularly affected. Bacteria and viruses can penetrate dry mucous membranes more easily and cause inflammation or colds. Nosebleeds can also result.


Through proper ventilation and heating can the humidity in the inner space limited and be managed . Ideally several times a day for a few minutes each time Intermittent or cross ventilation (Open the window fully or open the opposite window wide). Controlled living room ventilation can also help: it ensures healthy indoor air quality all year round and eliminates excess moisture.

air temperature


Each of us has a different temperature sensitivity and finds ourselves more comfortable at different temperatures than other people. Nevertheless one should a certain temperature range for a generally comfortable room climate retain :

  • Living room: 20 to 23 degrees
  • Bedroom: 16 to 18 degrees
  • Kitchen: 18 to 20 degrees
  • Bath: 20 to 23 degrees
  • WC: 16 to 19 degrees

The temperature difference between foot and head height should also be below 4 degrees.
Lowering the temperature at night makes sense from the point of view of saving energy, but this should not exceed 4 to 5 degrees, otherwise the apartment will cool down too much..

heat properly
Which room temperature the „is correct,, depends on various factors: physical activity, age, clothing and diet. With the help of room controllers and thermostatic valves, you can set the temperature for each room individually. If you are not at home, never switch off the heating completely. Maintaining a lowered average temperature is more economical. Also, keep interior doors between differently heated rooms closed during the day and night . For ventilation, it is best to open the window fully several times a day for a few minutes tilted windows are not very effective for ventilation and waste energy .

Long curtains, sofas or desks in front of the radiators impede heat dissipation . Tie or shorten curtains to one side. But: close the curtains at night, the air cushion created between the curtain and the window reduces heat loss .

air ions

The performance particles in the room airft
Like all substances, air consists of molecules. A negatively charged molecule is a negative ion. The more of these ions in the air, the fresher it becomes.. The air in high mountains or near a waterfall, for example, contains a very high number of these air ions . Air enriched with air ions promotes the enrichment of the blood with oxygen, which improves the function of the organs and the nutrients are better burned. The performance increases .

Your ionic climate in the interior

air pollution and exhaust gases destroy the negative ions . Therefore, the number of ions in our cities is often very low or non-existent.
Absolutely avoid smoking in your living quarters : The aerosols from cigarette smoke destroy the air ion climate of a room (apart from the pollutants from cigarette smoke). The same applies to the air ionic climate: air regularly. Every airing regenerates the air ion climate . Also pay attention to low electrostatics in the room due to modern flat screens and plastic surfaces.
New methods make it possible to permanently enrich the room air with ions and can be used indoors.

TheLENDOU air purifier has one ionizer , which the air additionally enriched with ions :

Fresh air

Fresh air is mostly cool, dry air from a non-polluted, natural environment. There should be sufficient fresh air indoors. The carbon dioxide content should be below 0.1% by volume and the fresh air supply should be 20-30 cubic meters per hour and person. For the well-being of humans, the CO2- content of the air is therefore of great importance . If the concentration of carbon dioxide in a room increases, we become tired and our concentration suffers.


air speed

Seal doors and windows

A permanent draft can disturb the well-being due to a constant breeze of cool air in a living room . Accordingly, leaky areas (such as doors, windows, etc.) should be equipped in such a way that any draft is avoided. The air movement describes the speed with which the air sweeps past the body . This is perceived and felt differently by everyone and also depends on the activity in the room and the room temperature. From an air speed of 0.2 m/s, it can be perceived as unpleasant and should therefore be avoided. A lit candle can be used to detect drafts : Observe if the flame flickers at your window or on the floor by the door clear evidence that there is a draft. 

A touch of discomfort

A leaky window, an open door, by the time you notice the cold breath it's usually too late. Neck and back pain, cold symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat, sinus problems, urgency to clear your throat, these are some of the possible consequences of drafts. Unprotected parts of the body cool down considerably due to the permanent draft. A warm, light draft is better tolerated by the body than a cool one. When the body cools down, weaknesses in the immune system occur and lead to the symptoms mentioned above.

Therefore, controlled air conditions is pure quality of life!

There are lots of good equipment and tools that help you to achieve regulated air conditions in your home.


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