Herzlichen Dank für jedes Lächeln! - Naturify

Thank you for every smile!

For most people, the global pandemic has become a real challenge. Restrictive measures and reduced quality of life have mostly dampened the mood of all of us.

As Marvelous , if you are despite a difficult life situation people with a smile and one  "Grüezi" can meet!

We aremotivated to look towards the sun, so that shadows fall behind us.

With the Pressa Bottle Limited Edition we want with the four elements  health, love, peace and happiness, lived friendships and one positive lifestyle put in the foreground.

The motto is, away from stressful everyday topics, mrecharge one another, enjoyand celebrate beautiful moments.

Ludek Martschiniand I, Daniel Gwerder of Salesbroker GmbH have been together for a long time traveling together as friends . We also connect many projects that we were able to realize together in the past.

Due to the economically difficult time, Ludek practically "reinvented". So he did with that  innovative offer his sketching classes a new business field  opened .

Ludek as illustrator of the PressaBottle, united with this limited edition his lively sketching with a healthy drinking style.

Under the Motto "creative together" we look forward to the new and limited PressaBottle "Happy People" to introduce.

She is also available as a bundle.

One "Happy People" PressaBottle together with one also limitedsketch book, a pencil and a sharpenertakes care offruity and creative moments in the nature.

A creative and refreshingly different gift idea!

Available in our shop from mid-March!

Your Dany and Ludek


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