Unsere Farbe ist GRÜN - nicht schwarz - Naturify

Our colour is GREEN - not black

The alternative to Black Friday Week

We don't like black - our colour is definitely GREEN!! 💚

With your purchase between 25 November and 30 November 2022, we create an additional benefit for the environment and climate.

We will double the contribution for CO₂-neutral shipping all week.

More information about the project can be found at the following link:  CO₂-neutralen Versand.

CO2 Neutraler Versand by Naturify.ch

In addition, you will find selected sustainable products that we offer at a special price during the "Green Friday Week". It's got while it's got.

P.S. What is YOUR Favourite colour? Write it in the comments! We look forward to many and comments!!!

Shop and benefit, it's worth it!

Happy Green Week
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