Our products explained

Von der Natur inspiriert - Naturify

Inspired by nature

a cup of tea full of organic quality.

Inspired by nature

a cup of tea full of organic quality.

Naturseifen | Wellness pur! - Naturify

natural soaps | Pure wellness!

Natural soaps - for your skin!

natural soaps | Pure wellness!

Natural soaps - for your skin!

Lunchbox filip® | Perfekt für den Schulanfang - Naturify

Lunch box filip® | Perfect for back to school

Lunchbox filip® - ideal for the new school year

Lunch box filip® | Perfect for back to school

Lunchbox filip® - ideal for the new school year

Hanfnuss-Öle aus Schweizer Produktion - Naturify

Hemp nut oils from Swiss production

Organic? ... LOGICAL!

Hemp nut oils from Swiss production

Organic? ... LOGICAL!

Naturseifen für gesündere Körperhygiene - Naturify

Natural soaps for healthier personal hygiene

Each soap is unique

Natural soaps for healthier personal hygiene

Each soap is unique

Kakaobohne - Power von 300 Wirkstoffen - Naturify

Cocoa bean - power of 300 active ingredients

Start the winter with vital antioxidants!

Cocoa bean - power of 300 active ingredients

Start the winter with vital antioxidants!