Deine Leber ist eine wahre Hochleistungsmaschine - Naturify

Your liver is a true high-performance machine!

healthier more vital protected - ready to performit

Did you know that your liver the central organ of metabolism and the detox is? Or to put it another way, the liver is your central chemistry lab  the crucial for the Energy production from the metabolic process  is!

If the liver is not fit - you are not efficient!

Due to today's work, nutrition and lifestyle, she often has to do it every day do hard work . Reduced liver function can manifest itself as tiredness, demotivation  and with performance deficits to express.

A star in utilizing nutrients

From the gastrointestinal tract flushes the blood with nutrients ingested  through the portal vein  into the liver.

From the nutrients, such as fats, carbohydrates and proteins, g the liver gains energy who the body as service request  for Movement , brain activity, concentration, metabolic processes or heat production needs. It releases this directly when the body needs it or converts it and stores it.

Your liver plays a central role in all metabolic processes:

  • During fat metabolism, the liver cells can break down fats and generate energy
  • Fats can be broken down and stored.
  • With the metabolism of carbohydrates, the liver helps to keep the level of sugar in the blood constant.
  • If the blood sugar level rises - for example after a meal - the liver absorbs the sugar via the portal vein and stores it as glycogen.
  • Back at work, performance can cause blood sugar levels to drop. The liver reacts and the glycogen is broken down into dextrose (glucose) and released into the blood.
  • The liver can also store vitamins and the minerals iron and copper and release them into the blood when they are needed.

Producer at full speed

The liver is totally productive:

  • It produces various proteins from protein building blocks (amino acids from food), which are important for the transport of fats or hormones as well as for blood clotting
  • A large part of the body's own cholesterol is also produced in the liver. Cholesterol is important for the body, including for the formation of bile . This helps to break down and absorb fats in the intestine. The liver can produce up to a liter of bile per day.
  • Important for women - the liver takes over blood formation in the fetus up to the seventh month!

detoxification of the body

One of the most well-known functions of the liver is detoxification of the body . The blood not only transports nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract to the liver, but also harmful substances. These can be substances supplied from the outside, such as alcohol or metabolites from medicines.

Special enzymes in the liver cells  rebuild them so that they can be discarded . This also works with the body's own toxins.

Deine Leber ist eine wahre Hochleistungsmaschine -

Important to know!

There are only two areas of the digestive tract from which blood does not flow into the large portal vein of the liver:

The blood from the oral mucosa and the blood from the rectum .

  • Therefore, medicines or essential oil active ingredients that are absorbed through the oral cavity (under the tongue) work faster and more powerfully at a lower dose.
  • A special part of the liver tissue is decisive for the detoxification function, but also for all other functions of the liver. "The network of small blood vessels, the capillaries" . They conduct the blood with all the substances it contains from the portal vein and the artery into the liver cells, where they are processed. During detoxification, the waste products are broken down in the liver cells t.
  • Poorly water soluble and thus also poorly soluble in the blood substances or degradation products are transported via the bile capillary to the gallbladder and then to the intestine and passed out with the stool. Antibiotics, hormones, old or defective cells and bacteria from the blood, for example, have to go this route.

The liver also regulates health

One optimal supply with vital substances contributes to the functions of the liver in the balance to keep. And as a result, the liver also regulates your health.

For me personally  it is extremely important healthy and efficient for the family, my hobbies and above all for my business to stay. life quality  starts with me feeling good in the body and one active lifestyle.

What do you do to stay productive?

If you're interested, we're holding our Health up to date with the intelligent food supplement  from Dr. Marcel Rohner.

  • Developed in Switzerland
  • work in symbiosis
  • offer great benefit

Especially for the liver metabolism has dr Markus Rohner the "methylosane" developed.

Revitalize - reset your liver

As a partner of Epigenetic Balance AG we offer successful thatwhole assortmentfrom Dr. Marcel Rohner.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us:
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