Richtig Händewaschen in 5 Schritten - Naturify

Natural soaps turn off viruses!

Infections caused by cold viruses and COV-2 viruses are not harmless. Is it our lifestyle to blame??

We would all get sick less often if we had more living space and less direct contact with people. Viruses spread quickly and if you don't sit within your own four walls, you'll sooner or later read something.

But there is hardly any more living space!

Personal hygiene is therefore becoming more and more important to protect against diseases. Dirty hands play a key role in this!

Especially in the cold season when cold and flu viruses are on the move. According to the Department of Health About 80 percent of contagious diseases are transmitted through the hands . The risk of contracting diarrheal diseases is even said to be halved through regular hand washing.

UV light makes contaminated areas with pathogens visible!

Schmutzige kontaminierte Hände

  • Have you ever wondered how many times in a short space of time? your hands touch your face?
  • ... or you with unwashed hands an apple a piece of bread or sandwich are eating?

This means that pathogens find their way into our organism very quickly. We should all be aware of the possible consequences of this.

Viruses also stick to the surface of the skin and look forward to every contact in the direction of the face, mouth and the door opener, the mucous membranes.

Washing hands with soap is therefore essential!

 Händewaschen mit Naturseife

Soaps kill viruses!

Viruses with outer shells are sensitive because they consist of a kind of layer of fat. The naturally produced natural soaps in particular reliably dissolve virus envelopes and virtually eliminate them.

The COVID virus Sars-CoV-2 is an enveloped virus that is mainly transmitted via droplets and aerosols. They do not survive long on the surface of the skin, such as hands. But they are active and dangerous for a time and can be eliminated by hand washing.

There are also viruses and cold pathogens that have a stable protein shell and are transmitted through surfaces. Here it is especially important to wash your hands - to wash properly!

Proper hand washing in 5 steps

NaturSeifen schalten Viren aus! -
NaturSeifen schalten Viren aus! -

NaturSeifen schalten Viren aus! -



natural soaps contain no artificial fragrances or preservatives , all ingredients that can more or less lead to skin problems or skin irritations in synthetic soap.

On the other hand, the use of natural products can actively alleviate skin problems or even skin diseases.

Natural soaps treat your skin with care.

Most are handmade soaps from local manufacturers . Just like them Natural soaps 0312 , which we are in our shop offer.

In addition to the hand soaps, which are also suitable for body and face, there are hair soaps as well as shaving soaps to buy from us.

Are artificial substances also taboo for you ... and you want to protect your health as well as possible .... that's worth something to us!

Benefit now from a 15% discount on all natural soaps with the discount code "0312"!

  • valid until 30 September 2022
  • valid while stocks last

If you have any questions, just give us a call..

Your Naturify team

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